Monday, January 9, 2012

Setting the Resolution!

Welcome!!!!!  I hope that you enjoy this and it motivates you maybe to get outside more with your family, or perhaps to just spend 15 minutes with your family everyday.  It is so easy to just get busy with life that we don't spend quality time as a family during the craziness of the week.  Enjoy!

The shouts of Happy New Year means it is time to make some resolutions.  I didn't want to make a personal resolution, I wanted to make one for my family.  While looking for a new book to read on my Kindle Fire, I came across the the book 15 Minutes Outside by Rebecca P. Cohen.  I hate the winter time because my kids, Jeremy age 4 and Ian age 3 spend so much time inside.  Inside time means more TV time, which I don't like but being a mom of three, who works full time, TV can become a mom's best friend.  I thought that if we had some time outside everyday, it would reduce the TV time, show my kids that outside time doesn't just happen in the spring, summer and fall and a whole slue of other reasons.  So New Years Eve came and I brought the idea to the table.  Jeremy said, "I am not going outside in the rain."  Ian was excited, as he loves to be outside.  Daddy Dave was not opposed and so it was set, The Syzdek Family, all of us, Ashley (3months) included are going outside for the next year.  We will be outside for at least 15 minutes each day no matter what.  Sorry Jeremy we will be going out in the rain.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Noah and I are trying to get outside too. You inspired us!!
    Love you guys
