Monday, January 9, 2012

The First Week!!

We are a week into the 15 minutes outside!!  So far so good!!
January 1st was was so warm here in Connecticut.  We were going to a party so before we left we went for a walk around the block.  We then jumped in the car and headed down to the party.  We arrived early, which NEVER happens.  We didn't want to show up early so we decided to head to the beach which is literally right down the street from where we were.  The boys and I walked along the sea wall and then meet Daddy Dave with Ashley down by the water.  I never expected Ashley's first trip to the beach to be in January.  The boys were having a blast.  They were throwing stones in the water and climbing on the rocks.  It was a true treat to be outside on the first of January.

January 2nd
We didn't quite make it out as a family today!  Ian had a bit of an injury so Daddy Dave, Jeremy and Ashley bundled up.  The guys played soccer and Ashley was chilling in her snowsuit!  Ian and I after spending sometime in the walk in we went on a walk ourselves.  It was dark by the time we got home so to make it fun Ian wore Daddy's head lamp.  

January 3rd
Daddy Dave didn't make it outside with us as a family today!  He is a band teacher so he has late nights which means that some nights it will just be me and the kids.  Today was REALLY cold...about 20.  We we went on a quick walk at Grammy and Grandpa's house.  Since it was so cold to get the kids outside, I told them that we would run to the street sign.  We made it a race...competition is always motivating.  And the faster they run the warmer they are!! Ashley didn't quite make it outside for the whole 15 minutes but she is little.  Believe it or not after the walk the boys wanted to stay outside longer.  I am noticing that once we get out they want to stay out which is fine by me!!

January 4th 
Super cold again...but today we had a fake fire!!  The boys wanted to make a campfire the other day, so Grammy got some cray paper, red and yellow.  We made it into little strips and taped it to a rock.  I made the boys hot chocolate but they didn't like it!  I made myself some too but I didn't drink it until we had been inside for probably an was kind of cold chocolate but then.  We took some blankets out and sat by the fire. They sat by the fire for about 2 seconds.  Long enough for me to get one picture of the three of them.  Ian wasn't happy today...way too cold.  Jeremy wasn't really interested in the fire because while waiting for me to come outside with Ashley he had discovered that some water in had frozen in his water/sand table!! But I did mange to get a picture of the three of us...Ian refused and went inside.  

January 5th
Happy 3 months Ashley...

Daddy Dave was home today and we headed out for a walk!!!  Maggie our super lazy eight year old black lab came too!  She may be lazy but she really does love to go on a walk.  Maybe she will lose some weight which would be good for her!

January 6th
Another warm day.  Daddy Dave was coming home later so Jeremy, Ian and I played outside after getting home from school.  Ashley was sound asleep her in car seat but she was outside with us!!!  I had tunnel in the garage so I brought that out!  The boys crawled through and pushed each other.  They also pretended to be the get your oil changed man too!  You know these balloon things that shoot up and then wiggle at the top.  They are a way to bring people into the store...well Jeremy saw one of those at an Jiffy Lube or something like that on our treks to New Milford to see daddy and from then on those thing have been known as "the get your oil changed man."  We were outside for a long time.  We also played with sidewalk chalk!!

This is the "Oil Man Thingy"

Can you see that it says Ian?

Jeremy and Mommy

Look Who Woke Up!

January 7 
Out for a Friday night walk!!  We took a walk in the dark around the block in the dark!  Things look different in the dark.  The moon was very bright!!  

Notice Dave's was so warm that he was able to wear flip flops!  Yes it is January and not July!  We have been having some crazy warm weather so far in the year 2012!!
January 8
No pictures was not the best outside time either.  We were are Grammy and Grandpa's for dinner and had to get our outside time in.  We went on a walk...a VERY short walk.  It was just about dark out and nobody was really prepared.  The boys only had their jackets, Daddy Dave and I were not having a great day so we didn't want to spend all the time in the world together...(all is good now) it was a fast walk up the street and back.  It wasn't 15 minutes but at least we went outside...tomorrow will be better!!

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